Dynamist Blog

Smooth Flying

I flew from LAX to Portland, Oregon, this morning. After learning at 8:10 that super-security measures were in effect, I left early for my 11:00 flight. No problems, and the lines weren't especially long, though that could be because I was traveling Alaska Airlines rather than one of the big carriers. I did check my micro-suitcase rather than hassle with security, only to discover that my fluids would have passed, thanks to travel-size packaging. At LAX at least, they're using a four-ounce cutoff for liquids and gels.

As someone who travels all the time, I'm acutely aware that even thwarted terrorist plots are costing us basic freedoms of travel. Five years from now, iPods and laptops may be as rare on airplanes as lit cigarettes. On the bright side, I guess that will be good for book sales.

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