Dynamist Blog


A New York magazine profile of Fareed Zakaria contains this explanation of why he's a "conservative":

Zakaria became a conservative, he says, from observing the Indian state. "People often say, 'How could you, living in India, end up a Reaganite?' Well, the answer is, live in India. There are two things that people don't understand. One is the degree to which a highly regulated economy produces masses of corruption because it empowers bureaucrats. It just has to be seen to be believed.

"The second," he continues, "is that you are very quickly inured to the charms of pre-industrial village life. Whenever someone says the word community, I want to reach for an oxygen mask."

Let's see: Zakaria dislikes stifling technocracy and pre-industrial stagnation--categories that will sound awfully familiar to readers of The Future and Its Enemies. Maybe "conservative" isn't exactly the right word.

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